Answers for Your Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Questions seek knowledge and knowledge is power! Over the years, people have asked many similar questions and we have gathered them here. If you don’t see your question answered below, please Contact Us and we will respond.

Your Most Commonly Asked Questions

What is Ameliorate?

Ameliorate Your Life (AYL) is an action word that means to enhance, to improve, or to make better, it seems everyone wants to ameliorate their lives… The past few years have revealed the need for self-care and self-love ore than ever. We could all use a cosmic hug!

Explain the concept of Ameliorate Your Life, what are you all about?

Ameliorate Your Life is a toolbox of holistic modalities that can help guide you to live an ameliorated life. Everyone goes through difficult times and when we through these times, we hope to come out stronger and wiser! With the help of AYL, we can make the journey easier and with practice these modalities become part of your everyday lifestyle. The result is living an Ameliorate lifestyle. That is, feeling empowered and worthy. We want to show people how to find their strength and worthiness which ultimately comes from faith.

You know the saying… ‘let go , let God’ is much easier said than done and that’s where ameliorate comes in. We share tips and tricks to make letting go and trusting in faith…. Easier!

Where did you get the name?

We were searching for a term that communicated the actions of enhancing or growing your soul, and ultimately, improving lives. We discovered this word, ‘ameliorate’ that, while we couldn’t quite pronounce, we thought it was structured in a very interesting way. It kind of looked like the name of a crystal, or Amelia Earhart flying across the sky. (More on Amelia later!)

In fact, many people discouraged us from using that word, ‘ It’s too long, I can’t spell it. How am I supposed to google your business when I can’t spell it?’ Our response? “We don’t know how, but this word is going to be widely used one day, just you wait and see!’ That’s faith! ‘Come on God… Let’s make this thing called Ameliorate happen! And its true… The word “Ameliorate’ now receives more than 16,000 searches a month or 192,000 searches over a 12-month period!

I’m seeing a therapist, do you think I can do Ameliorate classes at the same time?

Yes!!!! It will only ameliorate anything you are doing to better yourself.
AYL is all about growing to your fullest potential, letting go and letting God!
Pretty soon… You won’t need a therapist or medication, your life will be an ameliorated lifestyle naturally!

There has been a lot of talk about self love, taking care of yourself and loving yourself. Is that what ameliorate classes are about?

Yes! Self-love and self-care are popular phrases right now! And it’s about time!

The foundation of any good thing is LOVE( God is LOVE . Ameliorate was created to help people learn their value and to love themselves. (We are all a child of love/ God.) When the mamas are happy everyone is happy!

Together at Ameliorate, we learn to create boundaries, to empower ourselves, to speak our truth and feel confident. To truly love
yourself to the very core of you! Ameliorate is LOVE!

Have the Healers taken the classes? What kind of classes are they? Can I access them online?

All of the tools in toolbox are Ameliorate Approved! Staci Maione, our Founder has herself, completed every course and continues to practice these modalities as a lifestyle. She lives and breaths Ameliorate and Agape ( More about Agape later!) All of the Ameliorate healers bring their own practices and knowledge to the toolbox. We bring Ameliorate into your homes by offering our classes online!

Part of this healing and bettering yourself is giving back, right? How does Agape Rescues Children fit in?

Around 2016, we became aware of things that go on in our world that most just don’t see. We became aware of the prevalence and the deep-rooted crimes around human trafficking. Unable to look away, we started digging deep, going down rabbit holes to find the truth. And what we found shocked us. We found young, innocent children and a global trade based on the buying and selling of innocents.

In response, founder, Staci Maione, started a non-profit charity, Agape Rescues Children, or ARC, to bring awareness to the crime of child sex trafficking. For the publiic, Agape is creating community education and awareness. For the victims of trafficking, Agape and our associates are creating aftercare facilities in the form of healing enters. Learn More.

As I go through the Ameliorate classes, experience the personal growth, and feel my personal empowerment become stronger and stronger, can I share the modalities with friends and family? Can I teach these modalities to others?

Absolutely! That’s really the ultimate goal of AYL. To teach and empower our clients to the point where they are driven to share this amazing feeling with others. We want to spread the feeling of worthiness, growth and faith all over the world. Take the torch and spread that joy!

By taking an Ameliorate class, you’re doing something really great for you and you’re helping trafficked children. Go forth and Ameliorate!

Learn About ARC