Our Story

The Beginnings of Ameliorate

How We Began

If a Modality Could be Proven, Shouldn’t it be Shared?

“Ameliorate.” It’s a verb. A way of life. At its heart, ameliorate is an action word meaning to enhance to improve or to make better.

From the day I discovered the word, learned how to pronounce it, and learned what it meant, well, life has been an exciting roller coaster ride ever since! It’s not an easy word. It’s difficult to say let alone spell, but I just knew the power of the word and what it could mean for people. And, that one day Ameliorate would become a word commonly spoken in people’s homes, with the hope and power it promises, reflected in their daily lives.

How it Began
I was living my simple life, being a mom raising two incredible daughters and completing goals. I completed certifications for yoga, Breathework, Herbology and Nutrition to name just a few. I was looking for ways to ameliorate my own life using techniques that would help me discover my soul, expand my being and grow into the complete person that I knew was buried inside.

Over the years, I have tried practically every healing modality under the sun. Some were great, and others not so much. When I found a modality that truly worked I stuck with it, told my friends about it, would talk to strangers about it and would literally scream at the top of my lungs about how wonderful and healing it was for me. And
I thought… Couldn’t I find a way to share these proven techniques with more people?

The Seed is Planted
With the eventual creation of a business always in the back of my mind, I hosted many holistic/ spiritual events at my house, I called them Ameliorate events; mastermind lectures, yoga classes, nutrition classes, full moon meditations, anything holistic or spiritual. I was the house to come to learn spirituality. I wanted home to be an Ameliorate sanctuary, a safe place where I could share the modalities that were truly creating positive change with as many seekers as I could. And, ultimately I aspired to create a community of healers to share the goodness.

And yet, we wanted to go further… We wanted to not only heal, but to instruct others to heal as well. This drive to propagate healing became the core concept of my business idea and what would eventually become Ameliorate Your Life.

As my healer friends and I shared our specialties and hosted Ameliorate-type events, we witnessed the effect… So many more ameliorated lives! We were spreading a beautiful, supportive, connective light throughout the community. People were starting to hear about Ameliorate and even learning how to pronounce it!

But then, Covid
During this turbulent time, my family and I took the time to better ourselves, to grow and flourish. I earned a new certificate, this time on the detoxification of the body from Dr. Robert Morse. And, I officially formed my new business, Ameliorate Your Life.

During this time, I began further research on the crime of human trafficking. I discovered so much money and so many kids. Child exploitation is a horrible crime that I could not stay quiet about. God put it on my heart and it drives me everyday to ameliorate lives and educate people on this topic. Saving children is the least we can do.

Ameliorate Your Life Teams Up with the Agape Rescues Children foundation
We believe at Ameliorate that every life that wants to be ameliorated can and will be… It just takes a little work to deeply truly let old things go. A cornerstone of the Ameliorate philosophy is to give and to receive, that’s just the way the universe works!

Ameliorate Your Life aspires to improve lives through classes that elevate and products that please. As you may know, 25% of the proceeds of our classes are donated to Agape Rescues Kids. So, when you take a class with us, you’re providing hope to the trafficked children, to help them receive love and care, self respect, knowledge and empowerment from Ameliorate classes designed especially for them. A perfect partnership as only God, the Universe, Buddha or [add your deity here] would have it!

Of Light and Love…

Staci Maione, Founder
Ameliorate Your Life and Agape Rescues Children

The trafficking of children is a thriving business in this country.
Your tax-deductable donation plays a significant role in prevention.
